Frequently Asked Questions

We are looking for accommodation in Rovinj. Can you help us finding an accommodation that meets our needs?

Inforovinj is not a travel agency and we do not make reservatios.
On our website there is a large number of private accommodations with detailed descriptions of each accommodation, photographs, prices, availability calendar and services that the accommodations have in their offer.
Such information will help you to find the perfect accommodation for your holiday in Rovinj. In addition, we offer you direct contact with the owners of these accommodations. You may contact them for any additional questions and availability.


We found a presentation on which the prices are not displayed.

Although we suggest the owners of private accommodations to show the prices of their services, they are not currently required to do it since it is considered part of the owner's business policy. Please send an e-mail to the owners of those accommodations that do not have the prices highlighted on the presentation. The owners will get back to you as soon as possible with the offer.


We booked an accommodation in the old town so please advise us where we can park our car?

Information about parking in Rovinj can be found here.
In addition to the information on our website, we recommend you to send your questions regarding parking place to the owners of the property. They will be able to help you in the best possible way.


We sent a request for booking, but we did not get an answer.

Accommodation owners generally respond to your inquiries very promptly and timely because it is in their own interest to offer you their services. However, it may happen that due to the large number of inquiries, they answer a few days after you send a query. It is also possible that sometimes your query ends in "Spam" or "Junk" folders, and that the owners miss it. If you do not receive a response within two/three days, we advise you to repeat it or to contact the owner directly by phone.


Does Inforovinj guarantee that the information on the website is correct?

All the information contained in the presentation is completely managed and updated by the owners. Inforovinj can not guarantee that the presentation is correct and up to date, however, we do regularly control what the owners publish, how they treat the guests and we take into serious consideration any complaint we eventually receive. In this way, we control the quality of the services provided by the owners and presented on our website. If the service presented on Inforovinj is not what the owners actually offer, we do not extend our cooperation. After more than ten years of this kind of practice, we can say that relevant irregularities do not happen.


The owners answered that they do not have any vacancies, but that they can offer us accommodation at another location.

In the event that the owner offers you an alternative accommodation in another location that is not presented on Inforovinj, we recommend that you take such offers with caution. These units are usually from friends or acquaintances and owners often charge for this service an additional fee. You do not have to pay such a fee when you book the accommodations presented on Inforovinj. Besides, that way we do not have the possibility to control these accommodations and those owners as opposed to those that are presented on our web site.